

Why not spend the afternoon with The Gashlycrumb Tinies ?
Meet Your Average Bunny

Jason Salavon has digitally combined the images of every Playboy centerfold for each decade to arrive at a composite image that, to quote the artist "tracks, en masse, the evolution of this form of portraiture." The interesting thing is that, despite the quite indistinct blur that results, you can still tell that a nude woman is pictured and that a certain increasing amount of attention is directed to her chest as each decade offers a slightly more frontal view. There's a certain eerie similarity to the shroud of Turin, as well.


50 new architectural terms for the 21st Century - (from Spa UK, via Todd)

Synthesis of urban theory and interesting taxi rides; a vision of cities properly serviced by blue collar helpers in affordable housing; inferred community events, interactive green experiences, public sculpture, ordinary people engaging with architecture (aerial view).

Impactful yet meaningless elements of computer aided design, showing how powerful multi-media tools can create surreal and challenging architectural collages.

Theoretical path of those trapped in Modernism's gravitas.

end user
Homophobic taunt directed at community architects by members of a residents' association.

Orientation of restored national treasure to showcase tea towels and heritage toffee.
