
Theodore Swann

In the summer of 1928, Theodore Swann had a mansion built for him on Red Mountain in Birmingham, Alabama. He documented the construction on 16mm motion-picture film. My real estate agent had the film transfered to VHS. I was allowed to borrow the VHS and make a transfer to DVD. These screen captures are from that DVD. More can be found on flickr.

Swann house - date
Mrs. Swann holds up a calendar page to record the date: April 18, 1928

Swann house - ridge
OSHA was not represented on site.

Swann house - buttresses
An English vaulted hall was imported and rebuilt below the rear terrace.

Rickwood - vender
They brought the camera with them to opening day at Rickwood Field.

Camp - swimming
And to a summer camp.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


I'm researching the Swanns/Swann Castle for my job. Any chance of me getting a copy of your DVD?

If so (and if not!) email me at sally_nordan at hotmail.
