
A Little Knowledge is a Dangerous Thing

Human Events Online, a "National Conservative Weekly" since 1944, discommends the following books as the Ten Most Harmful Books of the 19th and 20th Centuries:

1. Karl Marx and Freidrich Engel's The Communist Manifesto (1848): "envisions history as a class struggle between oppressed workers and oppressive owners."
2. Adolf Hitler's Mein Kampf (1925-26): "Hitler explained his racist, anti-Semitic vision for Germany"
3. Mao Zedong's Quotations from Chairman Mao (1966): " 'It is the task of the people of the whole world to put an end to the aggression and oppression perpetrated by imperialism...' wrote Mao."
4. Alfred Kinsey's The Kinsey Reports (1948): "designed to give a scientific gloss to the normalization of promiscuity and deviancy."
5. John Dewey's Democracy and Education (1916): "encourage the teaching of thinking skills...helped nurture the Clinton generation."
6. Karl Marx's Das Kapital (1867-94): "He could not have predicted 21st Century America: a free, affluent society based on capitalism and representative government."
7. Betty Frieden's The Feminine Mystique (1963): "disparaged traditional stay-at-home motherhood...a role that degraded women and denied them true fulfillment in life."
8. Auguste Compte's The Course of Positive Philosophy (1830-42): "theoriz[ed] that the human mind had developed beyond 'theology'...through 'metaphysics'. to 'positivism', in which man alone, through scientific observation, could determine the way things ought to be.
9. Freidrich Nietzsche's Beyond Good and Evil (1886): "argued that men are driven by an amoral 'Will to Power'...The Nazi's loved Nietzsche."
10. John Maynard Keynes' General Theory of Employment, Interest, and Money (1936): "When the business cycle threatens a contraction of industry, and thus of jobs, he argued, the government should run up deficits, borrowing and spending money to spur economic activity. FDR adopted the idea as U.S. policy."

Honorable Mentions: Paul Ehrlich's The Population Bomb; Vladimir Lenin's What Is to be Done' Theodor Adorno's Authoritarian Personality; John Stuart Mill's On Liberty; B. F. Skinner's Beyond Freedom and Dignity; Georges Sorel's Reflections on Violence; Herbert Croly's The Promise of American Life; Charles Darwin's Origin of the Species; Michel Foucault's Madness and Civilization; Sydney & Beatrice Webb's Soviet Communism: A New Civilization; Margaret Mead's Coming of Age in Samoa; Ralph Nader's Unsafe at Any Speed; Simone de Beauvoir's Second Sex, Antonio Gramsci's Prison Notebooks; Rachel Carson's Silent Spring; Frantz Fanon's Wretched of the Earth; Sigmund Freud's Introduction to Psychoanalysis; Charles Reich's The Greening of America; The Club of Rome's The Limits to Growth, and Charles Darwin's The Descent of Man.

Stay away from these books. They will injure your fragile mind. They are all available (for now, anyway) from the bookseller of your choice.

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